Welcome to Tri County ResourceNet

We provide a wide range of information about support, resources, and services for families in Warren, Hunterdon, and Somerset Counties in New Jersey.

Tri County ResourceNet is sponsored by Tri County Care Management Organization.

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How can ResourceNet help you?

Families can find specific recreational activities, health providers, support groups, and events in your area. If you are a resident of Warren, Hunterdon, or Somerset County, NJ, please subscribe to our Monthly Events and News.
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Health Providers and Community Organizations are able to list their community and health resources, hotlines, support groups, and events. Do you provide services in Warren, Hunterdon, or Somerset County?
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988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Family Success Centers 

Family Success Centers are community-based, family-centered, neighborhood gathering places where any community resident can go for family support, information and services. There is no cost to access services provided by Family Success Centers (FSCs).

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Family Preparedness Plan

In the event of an emergency, every family should have a preparedness kit at the ready that includes important documents and information about you, your child/ren, and your family.

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